Concurrent Audits Services in India
Tax Robo helps in doing a concurrent audit in a systematic and timely manner to ensure compliance and accuracy.
Your Trusted Partner in Audits & CA Services
1. Auditing Services
Internal Audit Services, Stock Audit, Fixed Asset Audits, Concurrent Audits, System Audits, Product Costing, Frame Internal Control.
2. Own Accounting Software: "Accounts Robo ERP"
CRM, Sales, Billing, Accounting, Managing Projects & Inventory, HRMS, Website, and more!
Why Choose Us?
✅ End-to-end support | ✅ Expert guidance | ✅ 100% compliance
Start Auditing Services Today
Experienced CA's for all financial matters
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Concurrent Audits
The word "Concurrent" means something existing, happening, or done at the same time.
Hence a concurrent audit is performed when the day-to-day operations in a Business such as financial transactions are going on.
Usually, financial institutions such as Banks and other finance corporations deal with monetary transactions on a daily basis.
The volume of transactions is very high with payments made in huge amounts. Such a situation calls for continuous tracking of money so as to avoid mismanagements in payments and to avert losses, scams and other unwanted issues.
Banks, for example, deal in monetary operations on every working day. Various operations such as accepting and releasing deposits, using and collecting loan payments, maintaining a cash balance to feed ATMs for withdrawal and others require a hawk's eye attention and alertness.
Relying on term audits is not an option for such institutions since a single mistake can cost a Bank an insurmountable amount of money.
This is where Concurrent Auditing comes into the picture.
Professionals with knowledge and experience combined with state-of-the-art software solutions can act as one of the most dependable solutions for concurrent auditing.
Tax Robo's dedicated team of Chartered Accountants & Company Secretaries have years of experience under their belt to assist in concurrent audit operations.
You and your clients money is our responsibility. Nothing goes by unchecked from our auditor's eyes.
Important Audit Services
Scope of Audit Services
Internal Controls
Internal Controls Are Designed To Provide Reasonable Assurance Regarding The Achievement Of Objectives In The Following Categories:
✓ Reliability and integrity of Financial Products and operational information.
✓ Effectiveness and efficiency of operations and programs.
✓ Safeguarding of assets.
✓ Compliance with laws, regulations, policies, procedures, and contracts.
Internal Audit Assists The Company In Maintaining Effective Controls By Evaluating Their Effectiveness And Efficiency And By Promoting Continuous Improvement As Part of Our Internal Auditing And Consulting Activity.
Finance and Accounts Controls
✓ Test Of Controls – Internal Controls
✓ Cash & Bank Payments & Receipts
✓ Bank Reconciliation Statements
✓ Travel & Advances Verification
✓ Transporters Bills Verification
✓ Suppliers Payment Verification
✓ Deposits & Interest Accounting
✓ Loan Accounting & Repayments
✓ Custody of Physical Cash Surprise Verification
✓ Sales Invoice Accounting and income recognition
✓ Documentations / Filings
How it Works
Stage 1
✓ You fill out the inquiry form.
The client relations team calls or emails you.
Stage 2
Understanding of requirements.
Ballpark estimate (if possible).
Proposal (if required).
Approval to go ahead.
Stage 3
Confirm pricing
Contracting & SLA sign-off
Stage 4
Resource deployment & training
Project kick-off meeting
Stage 5
✓ Project execution & management
On-going reporting & feedback
Stage 6
✓ Work delivery to the client
Client feedback and review

Compliances of Statutes
- TDS Compliances
- Services Tax Compliances
- PF & ESI Compliances
- Professional Tax Compliances
- Income Tax Compliances
- Others Statutory Compliances
Fixed Asset Controls
- Fixed Asset Accounting
- Fixed Asset register Maintenance – with Location
- Asset Deletion Accounting & Recognition
- Insurance details for Fixed Asset
Analysis of Various general Ledger Transactions and Balances
- Setup a Internal Controls Systems for smoothening the functions
- MIS Reports for Managements
- Collections and Follow-ups in Excel data Sheet
- Budgetary Controls
- Documents Maintenance Controls and Supports
Tax Robo Team and Process
- Surprise Verification
- Associated Firms In Tamilnadu
- Strength Is Our Branches

Various Internal Controls
Preventive Controls
Segregation Of Duties: Duties Are Segregated Among Different People To Reduce The Risk Of Error Or Inappropriate Action. Normally, Responsibilities For Authorizing Transactions (Approval), Recording Transactions (Accounting) And Handling The Related Asset (Custody) Are Divided.
Approvals, Authorizations, And Verifications: Management Authorizes Employees To Perform Certain Activities And To Execute Certain Transactions Within Limited Parameters. In Addition, Management Specifies Those Activities Or Transactions That Need Supervisory Approval Before They Are Performed Or Executed By Employees. A Supervisor's Approval (Manual Or Electronic) Implies That He Or She Has Verified And Validated That The Activity Or Transaction Conforms To Established Policies And Procedures.
Security Of Assets (Preventive And Detective): Access To Equipment, Inventories, Securities, Cash And Other Assets Is Restricted. Assets Are Periodically Counted And Compared To Amounts Shown On Control Records.
Detective Controls
Detective Controls Are Designed To Find Errors Or Irregularities After They Have Occurred. Examples Of Detective Controls Are:
- Reviews of Performance: Management compares information about current performance to budgets, forecasts, prior periods, or other benchmarks to measure the extent to which goals and objectives are being achieved and to identify unexpected results or unusual conditions that require follow-up.
- Reconciliations: An employee relates different sets of data to one another, identifies and investigates differences, and takes corrective action, when necessary.
- Physical Inventories
- Audits