Main Object Clause of HR Consultancy Company
Main Objects of Manpower (HR) Consultancy

To carry on the business of providing Manpower placement, consultancy and recruiting, Staffing, Background checking, Selecting, Interviewing, Training and Employing all types of executives, Middle Management Staff, Junior Level Staff, Workers, Labourers Skilled/Unskilled etc. Payroll administration and Other HR Solution required to individuals, bodies, corporate, societies, undertakings, institutions, associations, government, local authorities etc

To carry on the business of providing services as human resource managers, consultants and advisors and to provide contractual advise and guidance on employment matters and other human resource services associated with contractual services including termination and outplacement required to individuals, bodies, corporate, societies, undertakings, institutions, associations, government, local authorities etc

To Carry on the business of information technology solutions for small to medium-sized businesses related to Human Resources. Aim to provide a comprehensive suite of solutions comprising of infrastructure consultancy, on/offsite services, custom software and web development, software and web application testing, and enterprise architecture consulting. Deliver state-of-the-art solutions in various areas including, but not limited to, integrated business solutions, system applications, product development, Internet/Intranet applications and communication & network management services.

To carry on business of Security Management including industrial, commercial housing and all types of security services , Labour Consultants, labour contractors and to make available knowledge, skill, experience, staff, labour, Security Personnel, Armed Guards and Escorts to any person, persons, firm, body corporate or Government and Semi-Government organizations or any other organisation, authority or entity for the purpose of Security, Detection, Intelligence, Labour, and Management, and workers for office management and to conduct employment bureau and to provide consultancy and other services in connection with requirements of persons and manpower supply in India and abroad.

Main Object Clause of HR Consultancy Company
marks india, Maniraj Anantham 26 November, 2022
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